Wednesday, October 5, 2011

to be successful

Steps :
  1. Imagine yourself being successful. Einstein said that the imagination is more important than knowledge. The more vividly and accurately you imagine your success, the easier it will be for the rest of your self to follow through. The same way engineers first imagine a bridge and then build it, you can be the engineer of your success by dedicating a few minutes every day for the mental movies of your success.
  2. Surround yourself with other people who are successful. When you're surrounded with people who are highly-driven, it's encouraging. Start with the basics: Willpower, effort, goals, and determination. Whatever you want to accomplish requires all of these.
  3. Define the meaning of success as you see itYou cannot have success if you do not know what it means for you. Everyone views success differently. Set clear goals and be realistic. How will you know when you've achieved your goals? Your standards should be quantifiable, or else you could spend your entire life chasing after a vague goal. For example, let's say you want to be good at your job. You get a promotion, you get a raise, but you still haven't reached your goal because you could always do better, right? You could always get promoted even further, or make even more money. Whatever you have will never be enough. Instead, create benchmarks: "My goal is to increase my productivity by 30% and only be late for work five times per year, at the most." These are quantifiable goals that when achieved, give you a sense of satisfaction and completion, making you feel successful and confident.
  4. Stay away from Distractions.There are so many Distractions in this world that you really don't know about.Whenever you are attracted to doing something which is totally not useful or productive, set the least possible time which you can give to that work.Whenever you get carried away by that work, Imagine yourself as a loser with shattered dreams and push yourself away from that work.
  5. Finding the purpose or goal of your life. Identify the things you love to do, the things that give you satisfaction. Once you identify what you love to do, use this information to find the purpose of your life or the objective of your life. It is equally important to target what you love. Imagine yourself participating in a marathon race despite the fact that your true passion is swimming. What will happen? You might have success in something you dislike, but you wont get satisfaction.
  6. Set a time line on when you want to achieve your objective. If you don't know when you will achieve your objective then you will never know when you will achieve it.
  7. Identify the things/skills/material needed to achieve your objectives. For Example, If you want to be a famous speaker, you need a broad vocabulary, subject knowledge, speech writing, voice clarity, presentation skills. This is identifying short term objectives to achieve long term goals.
  8. Identify the skills you need to sharpen and the skills you can outsource. In the last example in order to become a great speaker you need to improve voice and presentation skills as these are the basic skills needed for a speaker, but if you are lacking speech writing or subject knowledge, you can outsource them to some expert. This is called working smart, many of the great leaders don't write their own speech, They focus on delivering it right.
  9. xecute your small objectives, focus on your main objective. Yes you need to execute what you thought and you need to start executing your dreams right now(Start with the first step immediately).
  10. Study successful people. Look around--who has the success that you envision for yourself? What are they doing? How do they approach life? Become their apprentice. Ask them for advice. Spend time around them, if you can. Learn from them.
  11. Take risks. Step out of your comfort zone. Successful people think big and act big. It can be a scary thing to do, but if you don't, then will you ever be successful? Don't wait for opportunities to fall in your lap. Sniff them out. Successful people make big investments (in their careers, in their businesses, in their education) and all investments involve risk. But don't be reckless. Study your risks, make sure the odds are in your favor, then take a leap.Be bold.
  12. Solve problemsPeople who are successful encourage progress by solving problems and answering questions. No matter where you are or what you're doing, look around and try and think of ways you can contribute. What are people struggling with or complaining about? How can you make life easier for them in an effective way? Can you re-design or re-organize some aspect of the situation so that things run more smoothly? Can you create a product or provide a service that fills a critical gap? Be proactive and resourceful.
  13. Be persistentDon't give up. If your first attempt didn't work, don't quit. When asked about his 10,000 failed attempts to develop a storage battery, the prolific American inventor Thomas Edison responded: "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
  14. Remember that success does not guarantee happiness. Success is equated with the achievement of a goal, but don't assume it will always bring happiness. Many people make the mistake that if they accomplish this or that, they'll be happier, but fulfillment and satisfaction have a lot more to do with how you approach life than with what you do in life. Keep that in perspective.
  15. Gather as much information about anything & everything. Listen. Study. Understand. Learn. Knowledge is power.
  16. Accept life is unfair, some people are born with disabilities and you need to accept this fact but remember this also gives you unfair advantage. You can stop wasting time about the unfairness and think how to use the situation for your benefit. Remember Newton could have complained about the Apple falling down the tree could hit his head...but instead he identified the Law of Gravitation and known as The Father of Physics.
  17. Accept Failure, Understand behind every Success there is a understand this just think why we invented Aircrafts, because we Failed to fly ourself. Why we need to get a Pay hike, because we failed to buy the things we loved. May be you failed to marry the person you loved but succeed in marrying a person who loved you. Maybe you failed to receive a payhike because you succeeded in getting a new great job leaving the comfort zone of previous job.
  18. Remove fear and Doubt from your way of thinking, and focus on keeping positivity in every situation. You will be surprised how your effective-ness multiplies by 10x when your thoughts are guiding your actions, Keeping things simple, and STAYing focused on your goal. Remember, you can be your own best friend or your own worst enemy.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How Love Hurts

You told me that you loved me, you told me that you always will. Then one
night as I sit home waiting for you to call I heard that you didn't want me
and that you went out with your old girlfriend. As I heard this the tears
just wouldn't stop falling. Then you called me and I asked you about and you
started to yell at me. As you yelled I could feel my heart break into.
To me it was so perfect, to me it was going fine, i never thought i'd lose you i thought you'd always be mine.How come i never noticed, how come i couldn't see, that you were changing your mind, the way you felt about me.We could of worked it out, wecould of talked it through, but you left it so long, there was only one thing you could do. You tried to tell me nicely, you asked me if i'd cry, but my heart just tore apart, as i let out a sigh. We hugged for the last time, and i didn't wanna let go, but i finally pulled away as i told myself no! i held i n my tears i began to walk away, when people asked what happened, i had nothing else to say, except "ï wanna be alone, and i don't wanna talk," so i went around the corner, and went for a little walk. i decided to sit down, as i felt my eyes go red, i gazed at the floor, in my hands i held my head. The tears poured down my face, as i asked myself why,why did it happen, why did he lie. I didn't wanna believe it, yet i knew it was so true, that we were definatly over, that you and i wre through, I still can't believe, you expected me to guess, when i had no idea, i was totally clueless!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Android (sistem operasi)

Android adalah sistem operasi untuk telepon seluler yang berbasis Linux. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para pengembang buat menciptakan aplikasi mereka sendiri untuk digunakan oleh bermacam peranti bergerak. Awalnya, Google Inc. membeli Android Inc., pendatang baru yang membuat peranti lunak untuk ponsel. Kemudian untuk mengembangkan Android, dibentuklah Open Handset Alliance, konsorsium dari 34 perusahaan peranti keras, peranti lunak, dan telekomunikasi, termasuk Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, dan Nvidia.
Pada saat perilisan perdana Android, 5 November 2007, Android bersama Open Handset Alliance menyatakan mendukung pengembangan standar terbuka pada perangkat seluler. Di lain pihak, Google merilis kode–kode Android di bawah lisensi Apache, sebuah lisensi perangkat lunak dan standar terbuka perangkat seluler.
Di dunia ini terdapat dua jenis distributor sistem operasi Android. Pertama yang mendapat dukungan penuh dari Google atau Google Mail Services (GMS) dan kedua adalah yang benar–benar bebas distribusinya tanpa dukungan langsung Google atau dikenal sebagai Open Handset Distribution (OHD).


Fitur yang tersedia di Android adalah:
  • Kerangka aplikasi: itu memungkinkan penggunaan dan penghapusan komponen yang tersedia.
  • Dalvik mesin virtual: mesin virtual dioptimalkan untuk perangkat mobile.
  • Grafik: grafik di 2D dan grafis 3D berdasarkan pustaka OpenGL.
  • SQLite: untuk penyimpanan data.
  • Mendukung media: audio, video, dan berbagai format gambar (MPEG4, H.264, MP3,
  • GSM, Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, dan WiFi (hardware dependent)
  • Kamera, Global Positioning System (GPS), kompas, dan accelerometer (tergantung hardware)

Android bagi komunitas sumber terbuka (open source)

Android memiliki berbagai keunggulan sebagai software yang memakai basis kode komputer yang bisa didistribusikan secara terbuka (open source) sehingga pengguna bisa membuat aplikasi baru di dalamnya. Android memiliki aplikasi native Google yang terintegrasi seperti pushmail Gmail, Google Maps, dan Google Calendar.
Para penggemar open source kemudian membangun komunitas yang membangun dan berbagi Android berbasis firmware dengan sejumlah penyesuaian dan fitur-fitur tambahan, seperti FLAC lossless audio dan kemampuan untuk menyimpan download aplikasi pada microSD card. Mereka sering memperbaharui paket-paket firmware dan menggabungkan elemen-elemen fungsi Android yang belum resmi diluncurkan dalam suatu carrier-sanction firmware.

sumber :

networking system

Definition  computer network :
  • A group of hardware such as PC, printers, and other equipment connected to each other and each interaction communication.
(network configuration) 
What is client server ?
Clientserver describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program,the server, which fulfills the request .

There are some advantages and disadvantages of Client/Server Networks
Advantages :
A client server can be scaled up to many services that can also be used by multiple users
All data is stored on the servers, which generally have far greater security controls than most  clients.
The security is a lot more advanced than a peer to peer network
Disadvantages :
When the servers goes down or crashes . All the computers connected to it become unavailabe to use
More expensive than a peer to peer network.You have to pay for start up cost
What is peer-to-peer ?
  •  Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between peers.
There are some advantages and disadvantages of Peer-to-Peer networks
Advantages :
Peer to peer networks are easy and simple to set up and only require a Hub or a switch to connect all the computers together.
You can access any file on the computer as long as it is set to shared folder
This is rather cheap than having server
If one computer fails to work all the other computers connected to it contiune to work
Disadvantages :
If you have connected the computers together properly then therre can be problems accessing certain files
Security is not good and you can set passwords for files that you don’t want people to access but apart from that the security is pretty poor.

  • Bapak Zahid
Contact >>>  YM : zahidhdr / FB : zahidhdr

my vacation

I’ll share my vacation on the holiday several days ago :D

On  31th augusts 2011 , I and my big family went to alun alun blitar to attend sholat ied . There were so crowded , and after that many people flew a lot of baloon .

 the baloon

Then we did a ‘sungkeman tradition'  :  

 After mellow situation , then we decided to go to the jalasutra beach . I just could said ‘Subhanallah, what a beautiful view!’,beside the beach was many high hills and there were so clean , no one trash in sight.

picture of jalasutra beach

Saturday, August 27, 2011


 Berdasarkan Letaknya :


  •  LAN (Local Area Network)
  • Suatu sistem yang menghubungkan komputer dan peralatan lain bersama-sama dalam sebuah jaringan yang tidak luas, seperti di dalam satu kantor atau gedung.
  • Jarak  10 m s/d 1 Km
  • Kecepatan Transmisi : 10 s/d 100 Mbps
  • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network
    • MAN adalah sistem jaringan yang memiliki radius pelayanan terbatas pada sebuah kota atau propinsi.Umumnya MAN menggunakan medium gelombang elektromagnetik (wireless).
    • Jarak 10 Km s/d 100 Km 

  • WAN (Wide Area Network)
  • Suatusistemjaringan yang menghubungkanjaringanantarnegaraataubenua. Biasanyamenggunakansatelitataukabelbawahlaut
  • Jarak > 100 Km 
  • KecepatanTransmisi 64 kbps (kilobitpersecond)
 - Jenis jenis jaringan berdasarkan media transmisi :
  • Berdasarkan Media Transmisinya  :

1.Jenis Jaringan Kabel, contoh : LAN
2.Jenis Wireless (nirkabel)
 ~WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
  • WLAN menggunakan medium gelombang elektromagnetik.  
    1.Transmit data 1 – 2 Mbps
    2.Alatnya Mahal
    3.Propagansi radio (interferensi gelombang)
    4.Kapasitas jaringan terbatas
    5.Keamanan data kurang terjamin
    6.Intermittence (sinyal putus-putus) 
~ Internet 
  • Sebuah sistemjaringan global, yaitujaringankomputerseluruhdunia yang melibatkanberbagaiinfrastrukturjaringanseperti DNS Server, Web server, E-Mail Server, dan lain-lain

  • adalah miniatur jaringan internet yang biasanya berorientasi pada sebuah jaringan lokal suatu kantor atau gedung.
  • biasanya diterapkan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang memiliki gedung atau cabang-cabang yang berjauhan atau kolaborasi beberapa perusahaan yang berbeda.
sumber : Bapak Zahid

Contact >>>  YM : zahidhdr / FB : zahidhdr

Friday, March 25, 2011

Lirik Lagu Vierra Don't Cry
I want you to stay tonight
i want you to say that “i’ll be here”
i need to hear it
let us go outside and see
see the stars that glows and feel with love
i don’t wanna miss it
* hey wait up wait up don’t you run too fast
because i care we care though the story must go on
don’t cry i want you to know that we still need you
don’t cry listen to our heart and never whisper
don’t try to forget our dreams and get away with it
listen to the radio
we used to sing along with our song hey
our memories stay inside
repeat *
repeat reff
come on everybody come outside and share your dreams
don’t you fake it, fake it, fake it, fake it
repeat reffI

Thursday, March 24, 2011

my boyfriend's birthday

i love you so much , even my heart so pain see your respon .
i never say give up to show how much my love for you ..

I love you deeply, unconditionally, forever and beyond... *

Sunday, March 20, 2011

silverqueen :D

i love your actions sweetie :*
thanks , you prove your words :D
this is will be last forever ever :D

i love your gift today :*
i'm sure our love will be last fore

Thursday, March 17, 2011

valentine's day

on monday 14 feb 2011 at 6.30 a.m
before that day , i borrow his hp . and guess what ? i see he is texting with his ex . he says that he missing her .
suddenly , my tears drop . then i text him that i wanna end this right now .
actually , my heart hurts but i don't know why i always forgive all the mistakes that he has been to do .
maybe , its that call true love , no matter what the condition , we won't let our love go although we must loving someone with many scars in heart:')

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

today's quote

you're the reason for everything I do . without you I'd rather die because #icantlivewithoutyou

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love Quotes

define of love :

  • Love is the master key which opens the gates of happines
  • Love is too strong a word to say it too early, but it has too beautiful a meaning to say it too late.
  • Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart
  • Love may last for just a moment, but memory can make that moment last forever.
  • Love not what you are but, what you may become.
  • Love is not getting, but giving.
  • Love is hard work; and hard work sometimes hurts !
  • Love means not ever having to say you're sorry. 
  • Love is the flower you've got to let grow.
  • Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.
  • Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
  • Love is when you miss someone even when they are sitting right next to you.